Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yes, I Really Can

Home office desk gathering dust.

I worked from home for 7 years. And, yes, it was really great. I went to the gym at 1:30 in the afternoon when no one else was there and watched Guiding Light or re-runs of Charmed while running on the treadmill. I got all of my errands done in the middle of the day and had no trouble scheduling appointments; I didn't have to wrangle with the receptionist about when I could come in and if my boss would let me leave early and how long would it all take. I got to write off the square footage of my office for my taxes. I got to sleep in and stay up late. I had the life. Until I got a call one January morning from my boss saying that the magazine that we were editors for (Fitness Management) is no longer being published, and we were all fired. We had two days to wrap things up.

One year and four months later, I am working in an office and have a 1-hour commute each way (by train). No more gym-time in the middle of the day or easy appointment-making. One good thing that has come out of this (besides a paycheck and time to read War and Peace) is that the train is a never-ending source of entertaining, amusing, and interesting people. Like the towel guy and the big hair woman and my secret crush guy (I will get to these in some later post).

For now, I tell myself that I enjoy being out in the world instead of being holed up in my condo with my cat and Mac computer. I am ready to face "the man" and see what it's really like to be a working stiff. But really, I am just trying to figure out when the hell I can fit in my dentist appointment.

Stay tuned....


  1. I bet your coworkers at Fitness Management were awesome. I mean, they SOUND awesome. I'm just going by what you're typing in this here blog.

  2. You know, I have to agree. I mean, back in the day, those coworkers a few years back ... awesomeness incarnate.


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