Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Things I Shouldn't Have Overheard

I never know what I'm going to overhear when I get on the train.

An abbreviated list of things I've overheard on the train that the talker should realize isn't for public consumption. Most are phone conversations, but some are discussions with other passengers.
  • Phone numbers and addresses—all the time!
  • Account numbers
  • Nurses talking about doctors at Scripps Encinitas
  • A juror talking about a trial (yup!)
  • Lawyers talking about cases (does your lawyer ride the train?)
  • A woman having a detailed phone conversation about a business loan
  • A man discussing his mortgage loan on the phone
  • A mom telling her young daughter what not to tell daddy when they get to his house (they apparently are not together)
  • A college-age guy talking loudly on the phone about all of the "hot bitches" at the trade show (This would have been entertaining, except he was sooo loud.)

The usual fare:
  • What is on sale at the grocery store/Costco
  • Medical problems/treatments (sooo common)
  • Vacations planned and returned from
  • Shop talk (computer programmers, nurses, courthouse workers, etc.)
  • What's for dinner
  • Kids, pets, families in general

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