Friday, June 18, 2010

FM-ers Far and Wide

Heather and me at a trade show marketing our wares.

In my first blog post, I mentioned that I used to be an editor for the magazine Fitness Management. Since that posting less than 1 month ago, I found out that three of my former co-workers (and current good friends) also have blogs. And two of those were started within two weeks of mine. Crazy!

I bring this up mostly for the benefit of you readers who are friends with writers/former writers/editors/former editors — you may, some day, get mentioned in a blog. We writers/editors can't seem to help ourselves. I, in fact, received specific instructions from a college friend NOT to mention him in my blog. Not sure what he's afraid of...

Here is a brief run-down of what we former FM-ers are doing these days:

Christina is now a photographer in LA.

Heather is a writer/editor at Bucknell University.

Shana is a freelance writer/editor in Boston.

FM didn't know what great talent it had when it had it!


  1. Hey, thanks for the mention, A! So funny about the blogs. Are EHP & RT next?? ;)

  2. Marketing our wares? Um ... all I did was give away free magazines at trade shows. I didn't market my wares until after at least three glasses of wine and a cab ride.


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